Friday, March 14, 2025

How to Boost Your Immune System During the COVID-19

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has created quite a stir. With the pandemic spreading like a wildfire, it has become imperative that we embrace the mantra: "prevention is better than cure." As we all know, wearing masks, washing hands often and sanitizing your surroundings are some of the mandates. However, most of the health experts have been propagating, one of the best ways to keep the virus at bay is to boost your immunity. So, here are some tips and tricks to boost your immune system during the COVID-19 Eat...

Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

How many times has it happened that you have a presentation to your team and you have had a sleepless night the previous day?? How many times has it happened that you have to address a big crowd and you have butterflies in your tummy??? These are moments when you have to do public speaking. Be it live events or group presentations or zoom meetings, public speaking plays a major role in our day to day living. Therefore, we must embrace this fact and learn the art of public speaking. ...

Tips to Stay Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Healthy living has to be the way of life. This is something that various health experts have been propagating for a long time. However, 2019 made each one of us realize the importance of the same.  2019 March marked the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 which took the world like a storm. With the virus spreading multi-fold and the world coming to lockdown, it made us realized the importance of healthy living to fight any disease or pandemic.  With the current situation still scary and unsure as the pandemic still...
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